Drop Us A Line!

It could be to assist with a need, discuss a new opportunity for us to serve in our community, or just to say hello. We can’t wait for you to get in touch!

We want to hear from you!

We are thrilled that you’ve taken the time to connect with us via our online hub, and we look forward to your prayers and partnership in the work of the Gospel.

We exist to mobilize our members and to impact our communities, and we’d love to hear from you if there is an area of need in your life or with your organization.

Our team is made of volunteers who love Jesus and serve others with great joy! We gather together on Sundays for corporate worship at our home church Northwest Baptist Church. We’d love to have you join us! It is our honor to meet you and serve you as unto our Lord Jesus Christ.

Until all are reached,

Morgan Davis

Director of Missions, NWBC